If you have found a Rolex watch, make a reasonable effort to locate the rightful owner of the watch before attempting to sell it. You can contact local authorities, report the watch found, and post notices in the area where you found the watch to see if anyone comes forward to claim it.
If you have made a reasonable effort to locate the owner of the found Rolex watch and have been unable to, you may be able to sell the watch. However, you should consult with legal authorities and follow local laws and regulations regarding lost and found property and any reporting or disclosure requirements.
When selling a found Rolex watch, you need to authenticate it by an authorized Rolex dealer or watchmaker to ensure it is genuine and in good condition. It would help if you also took care to document the sale and keep any relevant records, such as the buyer’s contact information and payment receipt, in case of any future questions or disputes about the transaction.
Ultimately, take a responsible and ethical approach when dealing with found property and make a reasonable effort to locate the rightful owner before attempting to sell or dispose of the item.