A damaged diamond can lose its shine or if you don't clean it over time it can become filmy. A quick trip to a jeweler and they can usually clean the diamond…
A jeweler is going to look at the very edge of the stone and if it looks like plastic, it probably is. A jeweler can see the crystal that forms on the…
Costco diamonds are real diamonds however you get no after-sale service with Costco jewelry. Also, at Costco, they won't even let you try the jewelry on first.
CT means Carat, for the carat weight. 100 carat C's would make up 1 carat. A carat is simply a historical term for 'weight'. 1/20 of a gram = 1 carat, in…
Generally no, in fact from 2010 to 2020 diamonds nearly doubled in value. As long as they are maintained well and are not damaged, diamonds usually increase in value over time.
GIA is a grading company and a diamond graded by GIA is generally sought after more than any other diamond. GIA stands for Gemological Institute of America.